Graduate Detective Programme GDP

Type: Graduate
Region: London

Complex investigations, changing crime trends and uncovering the truth. Do we have your attention?

You could be attending a crime scene, analysing evidence, interviewing offenders and victims or managing an investigation. Every day is different, but what you do every day will make an impact, kick starting a rewarding career as a detective, protecting the public and bringing offenders to justice.

Your starting salary will be £28,551 and, within seven years you could be earning up to £46,044. After completing your initial training, you will work alongside experienced officers and complete attachments to CID teams, experiencing life as a detective at TeamNP.

Ways into policing

The two-year Graduate Detective Programme (GDP) gives you the opportunity to develop your leadership and problem-solving abilities, equipping you with the skills needed to handle modern detective and investigative work and handle real-life policing situations with confidence.

Are you ready to unleash your potential? Visit our careers website to learn more about the Graduate Detective Programme (GDP) and join an online information event where you can find out more about the application process, eligibility requirements, pay & benefits and insight into life at TeamNP.

Job Overview
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