Tooting Primary School
About the Company
About this company
To give our young people a huge range of opportunities to learn, progress, celebrate success and achievement, and ensure that they have all the support they need to help them make the most of these opportunities. The range of facilities available means that both students and members of staff work and learn in an environment that inspires creativity and achievement, and creates an array of avenues for development through learning.
Our aim for the future is to continue to make improvements to our school and the learning environment, enhancing the learning process for our pupils. For many of the children their greatest joy is experienced in school where they are able to have access to specialist resources, such as the therapy swimming pool, sensory room, soft play, dance studio with specialist teachers.
The Governors and staff are committed to ensuring that every pupil admitted to this school will receive high quality education to enable them to meet their full potential.
We aim, within the limits of available resources to:
Assess and identify individual learning needs at an early age or on entry to the school.
Differentiate the curriculum appropriately.
Make our teaching stimulating, focused and challenging, taking account of the age, gender, disability,m interest, experience and identified learning needs of our pupils.
Maintain a rigorous equality of opportunity for all our pupils with regard to individual needs, gender, race and creed.
Fostering respect and dignity amongst all members of the school community.
Work in partnership with the parents and/or prime carers in the education of their children.
Allocate staffing and material resources to meet individual needs
encourage pupils to undertake a degree of responsibility for their learning within the planning, recording, and evaluation of that learning
monitor and evaluate pupil progress.
Encourage every member of staff to understand that they have a part to play in the education of all pupils in our school.
Provide guidance and support for all staff.
Enable pupils and staff to experience and enjoy life in all its fullness
help all members of staff become more aware of their responsibilities for education of all pupils in the light of a “Whole School Policy for Special Educational Needs.”